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IMTA served as the main course at the "Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast" for Parliamentarians in Ottawa

October, 2012

Thierry Chopin was the October 2012 invited speaker of the “Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast” (“Petit–Déjeuner avec des Têtes à Papineau”) series in Ottawa. On October 25, 2012, he gave a presentation entitled “Towards a More Sustainable and Diversified Aquaculture” to members of the House of Commons, Senators, invited government officials, the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Partnership Group for Science and Engineering (PAGSE), the media and invited guests, while they were having breakfast, including IMTA salmon provided by the True North Salmon Company.

It was an interesting opportunity to talk about IMTA and the evolution of aquaculture practices to a distinguished and influential audience, which included key decision-makers. The 30 minute presentation was followed by a 15 minute question and answer session. The Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast series is an excellent idea and a very interesting forum to reach people we generally do not communicate with very much, which is unfortunate for both sides.

The day before, Thierry Chopin gave his presentation to the staff and management of the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Here too, it was interesting to provide the audience with a talk on the research, development and commercialization that is being conducted, with a lot of illustrations and animations, and let them see the live person rather than an application submission or interacting with him as a grant reviewer in grant selection committees. A short video was also produced that day and will be available soon.

Read about the Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast series

Read the invitation to the Bacon and Eggheads Breakfast on October 25, 2012PDF


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